The Appointment


A Body Stress Release Practitioner will make three initial appointments over a two week period. It is vitally important that you attend all three appointments to enable the Body Stress Release process to start unfolding and to be able to give the technique a fair opportunity to begin working effectively and efficiently.

The first appointment will last approximately 1 to hours with follow-ups lasting approximatley 45 minutes.
Appointments are usually structured as day 
1, day 4 and a week later. During your first appointment the practitioner takes a comprehensive case history which is significant in identifying old injuries which may have had an effect on the body and mind over time and any particularly stressful periods which may have been experienced in the past.

A detailed explanation of the Body Stress Release Technique follows, highlighting and clarifying some of the main concepts.

With the client fully clothed and lying down, a series of tests are then performed on the body to identify exactly where the body and mind may be storing accumulated stress and tension.

Stored tension or ‘body stress’ is then “released” using a gentle but definite pressure. Releasing is often rapid, but if the stress has been stored for a long period of time, additional releases may be required. This is because the tight, protective layers of muscle relax back to their normal state by varying degrees.

After the releases, your practitioner will give you comprehensive feedback on their findings, valuable simple self-help techniques are suggested and advice is given on the importance of good posture and correct exercising.

Maintenance appointments
Most people who seek BSR are looking for relief from pain, stiffness or other discomfort. BSR has a broader objective- it is concerned with assisting the body and mind in maintaining health and wellbeing. To promote efficiency of body function we need to keep ourselves free from stored tension. To prevent body stress from accumulating, it makes sense to be assessed regularly, before problems arise. Clients experiencing relief from long term pain or discomfort are highly motivated to continue with maintenance to prevent the problem from re-occurring.

Returning symptoms
Body Stress Release releases body stress that may have been locked into the body for years. When a person has had a long-term problem with body stress, such as that originating from a past accident, there is an accumulation of layers of muscle tension. After several sessions of BSR, there may be total relief from pain and other symptoms.

As time passes, possibly days, weeks or even months, the body will continue its process of unlocking a deeper level of stored tension. As the muscles relax back to normal tone, there may be an uncovering of the original cause. A return of pain or stiffness means that the body is ready to deal with this, with some further Body Stress Release sessions. Therefore a client should not become despondent about a problem which appears temporarily to return. It is usually an indication that more stored tension needs to be attended to.

Body Stress Release is gentle, yet highly effective, and the body needs to be allowed time to respond to the releases. It is not advisable to undergo more than one type of complementary health technique at any one time.



For further information or an appointment please contact the Body Stress Release Practice on  01920 460 458